Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Day 1

I'M GOING OFF SODA. I have said this many times and sometimes i actually do it.  I went off soda for one year, and it wasn't that hard after a couple weeks.  I have a least 44oz of soda a day, i know that's not good but i can stop!  Day 1 already completed.


  1. Good for you Kin!!! I went off in high school and have never been back on. YOu can do it!! You will feel so much better, too!! Miss you guys like crazy! Glad you made it to utah in once piece. sounds like it was a fun ride ;0

  2. You havent had soda since you been out of High School, thats awesome! Thanks!! We miss you guys as well!

  3. well i have had root beer and sprite very once in awhile. No caffeen etc...
